Nathan Bruck - External Hardware and Arduino Manager

I am majoring in Electrical Engineering and have experience with C, Verilog, and VHDL. I also have experience in circuit design/simulation/construction and PCB design. During co-ops and internships, I have worked on building a flight simulator for aircraft flight management software and designed testing rigs for aircraft components.
Chris Hazelton - Security Manager

I am majoring in Cyber Security Engineering and have experience with C, Java, some Verilog, some VHDL, Bash Scripting, Powershell Scripting, Computer Networking. I have worked an internship the last 2 years at Collins Aerospace with a network security team working on API Gateways and Web Application Firewalls.
Tyler Ingebrand - Project and Machine Learning Manager

I am majoring in Computer Engineering with minors in general business and Spanish. My background is in C++ although I have some experience in Java, C#, Python, Julia, and VHDL. I have been doing research in the Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) with projects on various topics from real time application development to supervised NN data collection and training (via Tensorflow). I am also currently working on NNs using Flux (a replacement for Tensorflow) in Julia.
Yi Ting Liew - Task Board Manager

I am majoring in Computer Engineering and have experience with C, Java, HTML, CSS, MySQL, Git, and VHDL. I am still actively searching for the field that interests me and besides, I am taking a user interface project class which makes me excited to learn more through Javascript and reactJS. I would like to learn about Machine Learning Applications throughout this class along with my teammates.
Nayra Lujano - Research and 3D Modeling Manager

I am majoring in Computer Engineering with a minor in Cyber Security. I have experience with C/C++, Java, Python, VHDL, QuestaSim and Bash. I’ve worked on different security tasks such as networking through my minor. I’ve worked with 3D modeling, Arduinos and Raspberry Pis. Current projects and responsiblities I have include being part of the software team member of the OpenUAS research team with Dr. Rozier, being a member of the CyLaunch systems team (the NASA Student Launch Competition), and working as a Teaching Assistant for CPRE 381 with Dr. Gulmezoglu.
Sean McFadden - Machine Learning Manager

I am majoring in Computer Engineering and have experience with C/C++, Java, Python, and VHDL. I enjoy low-level programming and computer architecture. I am currently involved in research studying fault tolerance in deep learning, so I have recently been learning about CNNs and hardware accelerators. I am also familiar with the PyTorch machine learning framework.
Amy Wieland - Project Manager

I am majoring in Software Engineering and have experience with Java, C#, C/C++, Git, as well as a little bit of experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This summer I worked at Parametric Studios, an ed tech company at the ISU Research Park, developing an AR application to help young students learn STEM concepts. At parametric, I gained experience utilizing the UnityGame Engine, rebuilding key parts of the UX and UI, and testing application features. Currently, I am in a database course at ISU acquiring experience with MySQL. I enjoy frontend development and gaining new skills, so I am excited to learn more about machine learning and embedded systems.